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What’s top of mind for you? Let’s see if we got an episode on that…


209. Being Too Comfortable

About this Podcast Ep. 209 – Consistency is a good thing, right? But what if you are being consistent just for the sake of consistency, and you lose sight of your real goal? For example, Ramona recently realized that she consistently went to the gym because she focused on being

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208. Being Unable to Keep Up

About this Podcast Ep. 208 – Ever feel like you have countless unread emails, endless chat messages, a week full of meetings, and not nearly enough time to get to your to-do list? If you’ve ever felt like you just can’t keep up with all the demands of your role

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E206 - Panel Discussion - Supporting Your First-Time Managers - Success Strategies

206. Supporting Your First-Time Managers: Success Strategies

About this Podcast Ep. 206 – Have you ever thought about conducting your hiring process in the Metaverse? Or considered investing in an everboarding training strategy for your employees? These are just some of the many topics you’ll hear about in this week’s podcast episode. Ramona is joined by three

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205. Elevating Your Communication Skills with GenAI

About this Podcast Ep. 205 – GenAI isn’t a trend or a fad that will eventually fade. It is crucial for leaders to not only understand it but also be involved in conversations and early initiatives regarding GenAI’s use in their workplace. But now, let’s get a bit more tactical.

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E204-Letting Someone Go Header Image

204. Letting Someone Go

About this Podcast Ep. 204 – Imagine that sinking feeling when you realize you may have to let someone go from your team. It’s one of the most difficult situations a manager faces. In most cases, the manager has been feeling this tugging going on for a while but has

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