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And here is how They Benefited

How would it feel to get unsolicited(!) compliments from your colleagues and subordinates about your improvements as a leader? That's been my experience multiple times since participating in the Leadership Accelerator. Our team cohesion is up, which has allowed me to get more "above" my business and build more of the systems my subordinates need. I've improved in how I structure my meetings, engage in opposition/resolve conflict, communicate with clients, and laid the foundation for so much more. Ramona's program is the real deal, and if the future is anything like the present, it's going to continue to pay off for the rest of my life.
Matt Baatz
Founder and CEO
Ramona, thank you so much for all the invaluable tips and guidance you’ve been providing that helped me become a better leader for my team and a more influential member of the leadership team. Our conversations have made me more effective as a communicator, helped me resolve conflict, and allowed me to build stronger relationships across the board. I know for sure that these skills will benefit me for the rest of my career.
VP of Finance
It was great working with Ramona as a leadership coach. She had great advise and listened well. It was very easy to open up to her since she has a welcoming and warm personality. Our work together brought my leadership skills to a whole new level. I am going to miss our sessions 🙂
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Sr. Director, Finance
I am so grateful I had the opportunity to participate in the 12-week Leadership Accelerator program offered by Ramona Shaw. This was certainly a journey of leadership development and career growth for me. Every week, I watched the pre-recorded videos, completed some hands-on activities, attended a coaching call with 2 other fellows, and took actions on the prompts and followed through. From the beginning of the program, we were encouraged to keep our long-term perspectives in mind, which was very helpful to stay focused and maximize the learning from the program. During the weekly group coaching calls, we discussed our successes and some ongoing challenges each of us were facing at work, which helped us gain different perspectives and broaden our understanding of the challenges other people were dealing with. We also learned how to coach by observing others being coached, which was quite helpful. The coaching calls were very engaging and dynamic. Through the program, I was able to engage with my colleagues at work (including my manager and direct reports) by bringing some of the materials from the Leadership Accelerator program back to them and sharing what I had learned. Some of the topics we discussed in the program included: Roles & Expectations, Delegate Effectively & Improve Productivity, Coaching as a Manager, Giving & Receiving Feedback, Navigating Conflict, Managing Up & Across, Executive, Meeting Management & Presentation Skills, Employee Motivation, and Influence & Persuasion. Ramona is an excellent career coach and an expert in leadership development. It was a privilege and pleasure working with her in the Leadership Accelerator program.
Training & Instruction Manager
The Leadership Accelerator is the best experience I have had with any class or program. It was extensive in the subjects that were covered, while at the same time, giving time to process each subject presented. It was so respectful of learning styles because there are videos and worksheets, so it covers any way you learn. And you get to practice as well as talk things through. Because of this class, I see myself in a new way. I feel so much more confident in the way I lead as well as the decisions I make with regard to the people I lead. I cannot say enough great things about this program. I will continue to sign up for more classes because this has been such a valuable experience.
Non-profit CEO
This program really helped me reflect not only on myself as a leader, but in many aspects of my life as well. It really challenged me to take a deeper look at where I am, where I want to be, and how I can continue to develop and challenge myself to get there. I think one of my biggest takeaways as a new manager is the confidence that I have the tools to be successful in this position. I now have a solid foundation that I can continue to come back to and build upon as I face new challenges and continue to grow.
Clinic Manager
Ramona’s leadership trainings and coaching sessions have been incredibly helpful for me. In every session I learn something that I can apply as a leader. Working with Ramona I’m growing as a leader and a person. I truly recommend her coaching services and the Leadership Circle program for anyone who wants to build a successful career as a leader.
Lead Product Manager
Ramona helped me seamlessly step into my first “official” role as sales leader. She guided me in delegating my previous daily duties so I could focus on driving new business and coach my team in sharpening their sales skills. During my work with Ramona, she assisted me in developing a multifaceted outreach protocol for my team, as we were unable to make in-person sales calls due to COVID. She encouraged us to connect with customers in a manner outside our comfort zone, using social media tools to increase sales, and taught us how to effectively measure our results. Ramona helped me transition in gaining respect as a leader versus a peer. She guided me in navigating uncomfortable conversations necessary for the growth of my business. She assisted me in preparing for a successful maternity leave, and I can’t wait to pick back up with her upon my return!
Mary Katherine
Territory Manager
Working with Ramona has been incredibly helpful in adapting to organizational change. As a creative executive navigating the dynamic and often unpredictable landscape of my industry, I found Ramona's coaching to be a breath of fresh air. Her ability to support me with strategic thinking, understanding personal motives and behavioral patterns, and offering invaluable insights into leadership dynamics has been tremendously helpful. Ramona is an exceptional ally for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of leadership. I couldn't be more grateful for her impact on my journey as an executive.
Creative Executive
Working with Ramona has been transformative for me. Her executive coaching has given me the tools to truly understand and develop my leadership style. The 360-degree review she conducted was eye-opening, revealing strengths and areas for improvement that I hadn’t fully recognized. Ramona’s wealth of resources and her ability to provide tailored guidance have been invaluable. She introduced me to frameworks that have clarified my decision-making and improved my team interactions. One of the most significant impacts has been on my confidence as a leader. I now approach leadership with a clear sense of purpose and direction, knowing that it’s okay to be decisive and assertive. This clarity has also positively influenced my personal life, enhancing my communication and assertiveness in family and social settings. Ramona’s coaching is not just about professional growth; it has made me a better leader, parent, and partner. I highly recommend her services to anyone looking to refine their leadership skills and boost their confidence.
Monica T. testimonial headshot
SVP of Product and Engineering
Working with Ramona has been an impactful experience. Among many things, through our coaching sessions, I developed stronger executive thinking and enhanced my ability to communicate my strategic leadership impact. And thanks to Ramona’s insightful guidance, I learned how to adapt my style to cultivate even stronger relationships within my organization. This has been the best professional development experience I had in my career and I highly recommend her coaching services to any leader looking to elevate their performance and advance to the next level.
Susan Ievoli
SVP, Publicity, Events & Awards
With the help of Ramona’s coaching, I’ve been able to build stronger leadership habits, including the habit of thinking about people around me and identify what will work best when interacting with them. This was a game-changer for me and has served me well in numerous challenging situations since. In addition, through our work together I was able to uncover several blindspots that used to get in my way as a leader. As a result of that, I have been able to develop a new set of tools and skills to navigate conflict and challenges more effectively. If you’re looking for a highly invested leadership coach who goes beyond the surface-level stuff, then Ramona is your person.
Data Scientist
As someone aiming to be a great leader, I felt empowered and enlightened after working with Ramona. She has an incredible ability to offer actionable steps that help me achieve my goals and improve my skills. I definitely recommend her to anyone who wants the tools to become a better leader.
Systems Engineer
Ramona was an invaluable leadership coach to me during a time of transition. With her guidance, I managed many different challenges with greater ease. She was truly invested in my success as a manager and went above and beyond to support my growth (this included replying to my emails during off-hours when I was in an urgent situation). I wish I had met & worked with Ramona before first moving into a people-manager role, and I highly recommend her to anyone looking to learn the ropes of leadership.
david - client results
Manager, Data Science
My biggest hesitation before I signed up for the Leadership Circle was that there are tons of free coaching resources out there and so I could just keep using those. However, I am somebody that needs accountability. I can participate in a lot of webinars and read a lot of articles but the social accountability that Ramona provides in the Leadership Circle is really how I’m able to grow in my role as a leader. If someone is still on the fence about signing up for the Leadership Circle, I say just try it for a month. That was my initial promise to myself. I had met Ramona last year and always had this idea that I’d be back but it wasn’t until I was prompted that I said ok it’s time.
Amber, Regional Director
Regional Director
I have absolutely loved the Leadership Accelerator program. Ramona’s guidance and coaching have been fantastic. I am so glad I invested in this course so early in my management career. I cannot imagine what managing my team would have been like without this education and Ramona by my side. It was money well spent! I recommend it for any new manager!
Sales Manager
Ramona is one of the best coaches I’ve ever worked with. She is supportive, insightful and super knowledgeable about best practices in the management and leadership space. Her style is also strengths-based and goal-oriented and I was able to make a ton of progress in our time together.
Participating in the Leadership Accelerator program was a transformative experience that profoundly impacted my approach to leadership. The program's comprehensive blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, facilitated through engaging training modules and insightful coaching sessions, has been instrumental in refining my leadership skills. The personalized feedback and the supportive community of peers provided a unique learning environment that fostered growth, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of what effective leadership entails. For anyone on the fence about joining the program, I wholeheartedly recommend taking the leap. The Leadership Accelerator is more than just a training program; it's an investment in your professional future, equipping you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to excel in your leadership role. The skills and principles I've learned have not only enhanced my ability to lead a team but have also instilled a sense of preparedness and resilience that resonates in all aspects of my work. Don't miss the chance to transform your approach to leadership and to make a lasting impact in your career and organization.
Jon Doane
Manager, Curriculum & Instruction
Ramona has been the single biggest factor in me being able to survive a thrilling and successful but challenging trajectory from individual contributor to Director of Engineering at a hyper-growth technology startup in less than two years. She’s a terrific person who is fun and interesting to work with, and also very caring. She is also incredibly insightful and forceful in not letting you, as a leader, rest on your laurels, fool yourself with distorted thinking or mis-evaluation of your own impact, nor give up on yourself or your team when the going is tough. Ramona is amazing at helping you hold up a mirror to how you think, act, and communicate when you are trying to lead and achieve. This helps you to see some bad habits and self-defeating behaviors that you need to stop ignoring or making excuses for, but also to see talent and ability that you might have been too scared, inexperienced, or tentative to notice or cultivate. If you want to be a better leader or grow better leaders in your organization, Ramona has my absolutely unqualified recommendation!
joshua samberg
Director of Engineering
Ramona is an excellent leadership coach. With her guidance, I’ve been able to improve my effectiveness as a leader in many different ways. Her frameworks, questions and suggestions have been incredibly beneficial to me and have had a direct impact in the way I lead my team and work with my stakeholders. Plus, the insights gained from the 360 assessments were invaluable. I was able to uncover some of my blindspots through this process which helped me better understand how I’m being perceived by others and what I can do to be more intentional about it. I can’t recommend her enough to anyone looking to strengthen their leadership skills.
Director of Talent Acquisition
I joined the Leadership Accelerator when I stepped into my first official leadership role and had to lead my former peers. This program helped me have a successful start and gave me a panoply of useful toolkits that will benefit me throughout my leadership career. It covered all essential questions and topics that might come to my head as a new leader, including important topics that are often neglected such as how to deal with emotions and presentation skills. I have become notably more confident and skilled as a leader with the help of Ramona’s Leadership Accelerator program and highly recommend it to anyone who is new to leadership.
Team Lead Data Analytics
Working with Ramona has been tremendously helpful in becoming a more effective leader to my growing team. It’s easy to know what I need to do but Ramona helped me see how to apply what I knew which changed my ability to lead in a significant way. Before working with Ramona, I often second-guessed my managerial approach and how best to navigate each situation. Now, I am far more confident in my leadership ability and enjoy it so much more. As a result, I finally have the time to get more involved in the strategic work I’ve been wanting to do, and I can guide my team to achieve higher levels of impact with our work. I highly recommend that you work with Ramona if you’re a mid-level manager who wants to learn new or refine existing leadership techniques. Well worth every dollar invested!
Executive Director
The Leadership Accelerator program was hugely beneficial in helping me clearly identify which areas I was deficient in and provided tools to better communicate and increase my productivity. The program was a great resource while I navigated my new management role and the weekly calls were a great opportunity to talk with others who were experiencing similar situations and find new ways to solve problems. I would highly suggest this program to any new manager, or even veteran managers who need fresh insight into leading your team effectively.
Branch Manager
Ramona and her Leadership Accelerator program have been tremendously helpful in providing the resources and framework for me to hone my leadership skills and develop new habits. Ramona is a supportive and thoughtful coach whose insightful advice has been invaluable in helping me identify my blind spots, navigate a number of challenges, and gain more confidence. I highly recommend Ramona and her program to anyone who is looking to grow as a leader.
Helena, Head of Data Science
Head of Data Science
When I started working with Ramona, I was a productive but over-extended manager trying to keep up with my unsustainable ideas of what “success” looked like. Through our time working together, I learned how to channel my energy in ways that are authentic to who I am, reinforcing of my values, and satisfying to my ambition. When I had setbacks or breakthroughs, I knew I had a coach who would strategize and celebrate with me. This has been an integral part of my growth and my ability to bring my unique and different strengths to my role as a Principal at an engineering firm. Everyone has something to work on, something to level up on. If you’re looking for results, I recommend working with Ramona.
Principal, Structural Engineering
As a new first-time manager, I was worried about making the new decisions and being appropriately assertive. Speaking through scenarios with Ramona and the group in the Leadership Accelerator helped me more than I can describe!
Business Operations Manager
Ramona is the first coach I’ve worked with, and I feel extremely fortunate to have had her guidance and support during my transition to a Director-level role in marketing in a fast-growing software company. Prior to joining the Leadership Accelerator and working with Ramona, I was getting by on intuition alone – but very quickly I realized the benefits of adopting and using frameworks in my approach to leadership. The program is transformative, and I’m now much better equipped to delegate effectively, coach and inspire success in others, have the tough conversations, and more. I definitely recommend Ramona to existing and future leaders who aspire to bring out the best in their teams.
Garrett, Head of Growth
Head of Growth
Ramona and her Leadership Accelerator program have been a huge help in developing more effective leadership habits and in discovering a career path that I feel passionate about and is effective with my personal leadership style. With that, I’m now able to feel more confident, develop better relationships, and overall be more successful in my role as a manager. She is incredibly resourceful and her arsenal of tools and frameworks will help me for years or even decades to come. Ramona has recently helped me work through a challenging situation and I was so grateful to have had her on my side as a partner and guide the entire way through. I highly recommend Ramona and her programs to anyone who is eager to learn and grow as a leader.
Global Ethics & Compliance Manager
Ramona, the coaching conversations with you have been invaluable for me. I always leave our calls with more clarity and confidence about how to manage difficult situations at work and how to grow professionally and contribute value to people around me. Since we’ve started working together, I’ve become a more confident and effective leader, increased my visibility in the company and in our industry, and even got promoted to a VP position. Your advice, the tools you provide and the skills you have helped me develop have had a significant positive impact on me. I couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome. Thank you!
VP of Marketing
Ramona was one of the best investments I made in myself in my career. She helped as I transitioned to an international leader, managing remote teams, communicating with teams and executives in other countries, as well as inheriting a team and how to successfully earn and build trust. Ramona will help you uncover blind spots, and help you confidently overcome them.
Chief Revenue Officer
I loved the Leadership Accelerator and got a lot out of it. I also put a lot in. I feel well equipped to lead my team well moving forward and have a lot more confidence in myself as a manager.
Marketing Manager
I found the Leadership Accelerator to be insightful and timely related to issues that I encountered as a manager within their first year in the role. It allowed me to understand my leadership style, and also to grow to meet my team’s and my organization’s unique challenges. This mentorship and training in the Leadership Accelerator were essential for me to fully step into my role and laid the groundwork for regular improvement.
Clinic Manager
“Ramona is an incredible listener and is able to clearly decipher the core issues. She extremely intuitive and gives great exercises to help you to analyze and think about your issues a few levels deeper.”
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Product Manager
I'd definitely recommend the Leadership Advisory Program to any leader. Leadership is really a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly, and this program is very inspiring and has tips to consciously exercise leadership in a way that is healthy and sustainable.
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Chapter Leader Operations Enablement / Technology Head

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